Monday, 16 May 2016

Procedure of Court Marriage in India in Six Simple Steps!

In India, the marriage can be solemnized between an Indian Hindu male and female of different caste, religion, creed and nationality, under the special marriage act of 1954. The procedures of the court marriage with documents required for registration of the marriage under the court marriage, is discussed in this blog.

One of the essential conditions for court marriage procedures is that neither of the marrying parties should have a spouse living. Other conditions consists of the fact that the both the parties should be mentally stable for giving a valid consent. The age of the groom should be more than 21 years and the age of the bride are 18 years, for getting their marriage solemnized under the special marriage act of the 1954.

Court marriage procedures can be roughly classified into 6 simple steps. First step of the court marriage is submission of the applications of the intended marriage. Application form filled in prescribed format should be submitted to the marriage registrar office, where any one of the parties has lived for more than 30 days prior to the submission of the marriage application form.

Second step of the marriage court procedures is publication of the notice for availing any objection.

Third step of the court marriage procedures is no objection of marriage. The marriage registrar officers enquire about the objection of the marriage of the couple. If the objection raised about the court marriage found true then the marriage cannot be solemnized at the marriage registrar office.

Fourth step of the court marriage application is declaration sign and submitted by the bride and groom to the marriage registrar office. The declaration should be signed by the bride, groom and other three witnesses. It should be counter sign by the marriage registrar officer.

Choosing a place and form of marriage is fifth step of the court marriage procedures. Based on the convenience of the marrying couple, either the office of the marriage registrar or any establishment within reasonable distance can be chosen.

Specific marriage application form signed by the both the parties, marriage registrar and witness can be submitted for Court Marriage in Tis Hazari Court.  

The last and sixth step of the court marriage procedures is marriage certificate. Marriage registrar officer in Delhi enter a Marriage Certificate in Delhi in the form specified in Schedule IV of the act in Marriage Certificate book.

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