Thursday, 21 July 2016

Court marriage procedure in India

Court marriages are recognized and authorized by the law. They are recognized by every court of India. They are considered as valid as the traditional marriages. Every Indian irrespective of their caste, religion, creed and gender can come for court marriages and they will be provided court marriage certificates at the end of the marriage ceremony. The traditional rituals associated with the marriages are not performed by the court. 

Condition for court marriage – 

Any citizen of indie can get the court marriage done with any Indian or foreigner. The first condition is that the male has to be of 21 years of age at the time of marriage and female must have crossed the 18 years at the time of marriage. The both parties should have sound mind so that they can give valid consent to the marriage without coming under pressure of any sort. The parties coming to marriage should not fall under prohibited relationship category.  

The couples Certificate of court marriage process in Delhi for marriage have to file the notice of intended marriage at the district marriage registration office. One of the parties of the marriage must be staying in this district for at least 30 day before submitting the marriage notice. The notice will remain in the district office for 30 days and if there is no objection from of any kind from any party then marriage will be solemnized after the end of the 30 day period .The couple has to submit the marriage proposal in a prescribed format with fee. 

At the time of the marriage, the couple has to bring the passport size photos, residential proof, birth date proof, and three persons as witness. The three persons must bring their residential proof and PAN CARD. The couple must also show the death certificate of divorce certificate in case anyone of them was married previously.   

When both the Court marriage form partners belong to the Hindu religion, the marriage is solemnized under the Hindu marriage Act, 1954. If any one of the partner belongs to other religion, then the marriage is performed under special marriage Act, 1954. The conditions in both cases are same, which couples have to fulfill. 

When an Indian is marrying a foreigner, then the no objection certificate has to be submitted to the concerned court from the embassy of the country of the foreigner. In case of previous marriage, the divorce certificate or death certificate of the partner also have to be submitted before the court. The rest of the conditions are same. The certificate is issued after the court marriage by marriage registrar.

1 comment:

  1. Get guidance from top advocates & easily understand the court marriage procedure in Mumbai. Both the partners must fulfill the eligibility criteria ( Minimum age, Mutual Consent, No previous active relationship, no forbidden relationship )
